The contractor and the US Army Corps of Engineers requested Blue Quality Services perform whole building air leakage testing to evaluate the overall air tightness, uncover any weaknesses in the building’s enclosure, and to satisfy the US Army Corps of Engineers specifications.

Blue Quality Services was engaged early in the design phase to review the building enclosure and air barrier design strategies and specifications prior to construction. This allowed our team to identify any issues in critical building enclosure systems and enable quick remedial design decisions that would potentially result in a failed air leakage test.

During the construction phase, our field services team traveled to the project site on multiple occasions to observe the progress of the air barrier installation. We’ve found that visiting the site prior to performing the air leakage test and noting any nonconformance issues before construction is complete greatly increases the likelihood of a passed air leakage test.

On testing day, our field services team set up six calibrated fans to pressurize and depressurize the building. Due to our design and construction phase services, we were not surprised that the facility passed their air leakage test and recorded an air leakage rate well below the USACE maximum air leakage flow rate of 0.25 CFM/sqft.

Ft. Sill Physical
Fitness Facility
Ft. Sill, OK

The Physical Fitness Facility is a 90,000 square building and features a rock climbing room, administrative areas, locker rooms, a main gymnasium, and a jogging track.

Services Performed: